Carbon Cover Brief

Carbon Cover is a high-impact ad unit that engages viewers with an interactive experience on hover.

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Carbon Cover is designed to capture your target audience with compelling creatives and invite them to delve deeper. Try this interactive demo...

Guide to Carbon Cover Campaigns

Engage and captivate your audience with Carbon Cover. Leveraging a unique suite of assets, we craft interactive experiences that elevate your content. Review our tips to optimize your campaigns for maximum impact.

Cover Image (500 × 500 pixels)

We recommend lifestyle images or illustrations that coordinate well with your messaging and chosen background color. Logos, overlaid CTAs, and text-heavy banners will not be accepted as these elements are already incorporated into the ad unit.

Carbon Cover image example by GitLab
Company Name ( up to 30 characters)

Your company name will be included when users share the ad via the share button in the bottom left-hand corner.

Ad Title (up to 45 characters)

The ad title is always visible. Users who do not interact with your ad will only see the ad title so please ensure it makes sense on its own.

Ad Description (up to 120 characters)

The ad description will be revealed when your target audience shows interest and decides to hover on the ad unit. Come up with a more engaging message to maximize the creative impact.

Call to Action (Up to 20 characters)

Provide a clear CTA that aligns with your primary onsite action.

Background Color (Hex Value)

The background color must have enough contrast to ensure the default text color (white) is legible. We recommend choosing a background color from the darkest shades of your cover image. Choosing a brand color also works well most of the time.

Logo (250 × 100 pixels)

Logos must have a transparent background. Choose the right version of your logo to complement the unit's background color.

Carbon Cover logo example by GitLab

How to Improve Ad Performance

  • Provide 2-3 variations with varying copy, imagery, and/or hex colors to keep users engaged and test different messaging (be sure to include unique UTMs)
  • Include the main keywords in the ad description to make the offer/product clear
  • Highlight any special offers/promotions and timeframes/deadlines
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